Your Town. Your Choice. Join us in asking East Lothian Council to Pause The Musselburgh Flood Protection Scheme
Want some background? Start here: Musselburgh Flood Protection Scheme – introduction (7-minute read)
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Pause The Flood Scheme are a group of local residents who are concerned about the proposed flood protection plans and seek an alternative nature-based solution.
What is being proposed?
Please scroll sideways through the images below, which demonstrate what the Outline Design, as voted through by the council in January 2024, might look like.
Images illustrating what the proposed flood defences in Musselburgh will look like, with wall height figures based on those of the Outline Design, presented at the June 2023 Public Exhibition at Eskmills. Share a video of these images.
For more information, read our Musselburgh Flood Protection Scheme – introduction (7-minute read)
See the ‘Outline Design’ plans for yourself at the project website, as exhibited for two days in June at Eskmills.
Why pause the scheme?
We accept that a flood prevention scheme is necessary … but … the scheme that the council is proposing is unsightly, outdated, unfriendly to the environment and crucially, far exceeds the needs for our town.
The Musselburgh Pause the Flood Scheme group aims to:
- Pause the flood scheme
- Explore nature-based solutions
- Protect our town for future generations
We’ve worked with geoscience experts who have told us that there’s still time to explore other options.
This is an opportunity for Musselburgh to become a leading example of a town using nature-based solutions to protect its residents from future flooding.
What can I do?
Sign our petition
Get our voices heard
- We’re asking East Lothian Council to press pause on the scheme and work with geoscientists to explore other nature-based solutions.
Email your councillor
Give them your views
- The council appear keen to push the scheme through. Join us in asking them to release their research into nature-based solutions and give a democratic voice to Musselburgh residents.
Lend us your time
Help make a difference
- We’re always looking for volunteers to raise awareness in a positive, responsible way. If this sounds like you, we invite you to join our growing group of friendly volunteers.
Help fund our activity
- We’re all volunteers who live in Musselburgh. All donations will be used to produce our printed flyers and posters etc
Put a poster in your window – If we can show there’s appetite to pause the scheme, the council are more likely to reconsider. Download our poster to print out and display in your window to show your concern and spread the word.

Want some more background? Start here: Musselburgh Flood Protection Scheme – introduction (7-minute read)